Künstler: di Bolgherese
Kunstwerk: Memory of trees (2008)

Ãl und Gold auf Holz 100 x 100 cm Hommage a Enya My Memory of trees I walk the maze of moments but everywhere I turn to begins a new beginning but never finds a finish I walk to the horizon and there I find another it all seems so surprising and then I find that I know You go there you're gone forever I go there I'll lose my way if we stay here we're not together Anywhere is The moon upon the ocean is swept around in motion but without ever knowing the reason for its flowing in motion on the ocean the moon still keeps on moving the waves still keep on waving and I still keep on going You go there you're gone forever I go there I'll lose my way if we stay here we're not together Anywhere is I wonder if the stars sign the life that is to be mine and would they let their light shine enough for me to follow I look up to the heavens but night has clouded over no spark of constellation no Vela no Orion The shells upon the warm sands have taken from their own lands the echo of their story but all I hear are low sounds as pillow words are weaving and willow waves are leaving but should I be believing that I am only dreaming You go there you're gone forever I go there I'll lose my way if we stay here we're not together Anywhere is To leave the thread of all time and let it make a dark line in hopes that I can still find the way back to the moment I took the turn and turned to begin a new beginning still looking for the answer I cannot find the finish it's either this or that way it's one way or the other it should be one direction it could be on reflection the turn I have just taken the turn that I was making I might be just beginning I might be near the end.Merkmale
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Die letzten 5 Kunstwerke
Installation im Park, Skitze für Stadt Backnang. Material; Industrie Stahl, 3x200x350cm. Gew. ca. 1T
Installation , Skitze für Stadt Backnang \" Erinerung an Stadt Annonay \" Material; Industrie Stahl, 3x200x350cm, Gew. ca. 1T
Skitze - Installation -\" Erinnerung an Stadt Annonay \" Material, Industrie Stahl, 3cm x 200cm x 350cm. Vorderansicht / Seitenansicht
Die letzten 5 Kommentare

Sonnenblumen vor rotem Spargel
Das Bild hat eine starke Wirkung.
Kommentar von Marita Zacharias

Wundersch?nes Bild. Ich liebe Klavier spielen.
Kommentar von Viviane Wenz

Smaragdeidechse auf Stein
Liebe Ingrid, Gerade einmal gest?bert und schon muss ich staunen was Du da wieder einmal tolles gemacht hast. Eine wundersch?ne Idee und eine geniale Umsetzung, klar Dein Werk - Gro?es Kompliment. Ganz liebe Gr??e Yvonne
Kommentar von Yvonne Schmied

Lady mit Hut
Hallo liebe Elisabeth, lange habe ich nichts in dieses Portal geschrieben und jetzt dieses Bild von dir entdeckt. Das ist wirklich sch?n. Spannend, eine Frau von hinten zu zeigen. DAs gibt viele R?tsel auf. Liebe Gr??e Ingrid
Kommentar von ingrid wenz-gahler

Herbst 2
Ein intensives Bild mit genialem Pinselduktus. Gef?llt mir sehr gut!
Kommentar von Laetitia Barnick